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Questions & Answers about XTREM HUNTER metal detector by Gary Blackwell

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Gary with the Xtrem Hunter

Now that the XP Xtrem Hunter has reached the shops, I am sure you have plenty of questions.
Perhaps I can answer some here.

What is a twin box machine?

The name Twin box machine refers to the twin search coils, this configuration allows greater detecting depths with a bias towards large targets.
The operation is very different to conventional detectors as you simply walk with the coils and not sweep them from side to side.

What advantages will the multi frequency platform offer?

Conventional twin box machines have always operated using a single low frequency, those of you who have used them in the past will be aware of the constant tuning required to keep a mildly usable working platform, I have used twin box machines several times over the years and it has always ended in frustration.
The FMF multi-frequency platform offers superior stability and will work better on a wider range of ground.

Will the Xtrem Hunter work on wet sand?

Yes, I have tested the Xtrem on several occasions and it works well on wet sand.
*Note : The Xtrem is weatherproof but cannot be submerged.

Do I need to buy the complete Xtrem set up, if I already own a Deus II with the RC?

No, simply update your Deus II RC to the latest software, version 2x and above, and it will accept the Xtrem Hunter once you have entered the coil serial numbers into the menu.
The Deus 1 and ORX will not work with the Xtrem platform.

Will the Xtrem Hunter work with the WS6 module?

No it will only work with the Deus 2 RC.

Can I swap between the Xtrem Hunter to the conventional Deus II set up?

Yes, simply choose your Deus II coil from the menu and you will revert back to the factory and custom programs.
*Note : Once the Xtrem coil is paired it will have its own user interface.

What market is the Xtrem Hunter aimed at?

I guess the Xtrem will appeal to several different markets, archaeologists, industrial surveys, military hunters, to mention a few.
But I do think it will appeal to people like myself, your everyday hobby detectorists, it is another very useful addition to the XP armoury, providing the operator is aware of its intended purpose.

Will the Xtrem Hunter find single deep coins?

No, this is one of the limitations, it has not been designed for single coins, the Xtrem’s intended purpose is for locating large objects at depth, such as a mass of coins or single large items.

I am a hobby detectorist, will Xtrem Hunter work for me?

After several months of testing, it became apparent that the Xtrem could indeed fit nicely into my armoury.
I quickly discovered it is an extension to my Deus II, a tool to take over when conventional detectors run out of steam, as you can see in the XP video we tested a 2Kg bag of highly conductive coins which were not fused together making it quite a difficult target to find.

Remove metallic items

Top Tip!

Make sure you have no metallic items about your person such as phones, belt buckles, shoes/boots with steel mesh insoles, keys, pin pointer… NO metal!
This is to ensure the machine does not pick up the movements of these items, as it can affect the fine tuning.

What is the ideal search height?

The ideal search height is somewhere between the knee and the hip, in some cases it may be easier to hold the Xtrem Hunter by the frame.

Gary walking with the Xtrem Hunter

Why do I need to search at such a great height?

The Xtrem Hunter works very differently to conventional detectors, the search height is a part of the secret to achieving greater depths.
At waist height the machine will not see smaller targets near to the surface, such as troublesome nails. This will allow the machine to penetrate much deeper into the ground and focus on the bigger targets, that have up until now been out of reach.

Conventional detectors, searching close to the ground will see surface objects. Even though they may be rejected, surface targets ferrous or non-ferrous, can still limit the possibilities of registering bigger, deeper targets.

Marking targets

Is it a good idea to use a conventional detector to work alongside the Xtrem?

I find the Xtrem can work in harmony with the Deus II set up, as explained in our videos.
Mark several targets you have located with the Xtrem, then check and pin point them with the XP Deus II, Deus 1 even the ORX, if they appear to be out of range, it is time to investigate further!

Will EMI be a problem for the Xtrem Hunter?

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be a problem, especially in built up areas, you are using a large aerial and it will pick up a lot more EMI than a detector with a smaller coil.
However in many circumstances EMI can be eliminated using the frequency scan, and making fine adjustments to the Sensitivity, Reactivity and Audio Response features.
*Note : It is not recommended that you test the Xtrem indoors or in areas with high industrial activity.

Ferrous and non ferrous screen

Can the Xtrem reject Iron?

The Xtrem has a feature called Disc IAR, 0 offers no iron rejection and 5 offers maximum iron rejection.
Disc IAR works on the intensity of the iron signal, a setting of 5 will reject the weakest Iron target.
Rejected targets will give a low tone and a hatched graphic will appear on the display screen when iron has been detected.
*Note : At a maximum Disc IAR setting of 5, not all iron will be rejected, some deep or small iron may register as a non-ferrous target.


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